Blog Post How to Sell Your Rental Property in Birmingham: Your Complete Guide

How to Sell Your Rental Property in Birmingham: Your Complete Guide

Rental trends in Birmingham, Alabama have flattened out in recent years. Prices have also appeared to hit a peak, according to, you might have thought about selling your rental property before prices and rents fall too much.If so, you’ll want...
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Blog Post 5 Best Places to Invest in Birmingham

5 Best Places to Invest in Birmingham

Looking for the best places to invest in Birmingham, Alabama?The Magic City is known for its food, culture, and its designation as the entertainment hub of Alabama. With its museums, parks, and rich history; Birmingham is a great place to look for your first, or next, investment ...
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Blog Post Should I Sell or Rent My House in Birmingham?

Should I Sell or Rent My House in Birmingham?

If you’re hoping to relocate, you’ll face the dilemma of what to do with your current house. Depending on your financial situation and the state of the housing market in your area, each option has advantages and disadvantages.  On the one hand, selling seems...
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Blog Post How Much Do Property Managers Charge in Birmingham

How Much Do Property Managers Charge in Birmingham

Managing single family homes in Birmingham requires a significant portion of an owner’s bandwidth. As your portfolio grows, an increasing amount of your time is consumed with day-to-day responsibilities like maintenance and rent collection.  Unless you plan on making p...
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Blog Post 7 Best Property Managers in Birmingham, AL

7 Best Property Managers in Birmingham, AL

Whether you’re a current rental property owner in Birmingham or it’s on your list of markets to add to your portfolio, you may be looking for a property manager.Property managers are valuable partners to have for several reasons. They take on the full-time job that is...
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